Common Risks for IT Project Managers Part 2: Legal Risks
When you sign a contract to work with a client, contractor, or subcontractor, you enter into a tangled web of errors and omissions liabilities. If anything goes wrong on the project, it’s common for...
View ArticleSoftware Testing to Identify E&O Liability
This week, Google announced that it was expanding its "bug-bounty" software testing program to its Android platform. Like many other large software companies, Google offers cash "bounties" to security...
View ArticleIT Risk Management Strategy: Deadlines and Software Testing
Sticking to deadlines and meeting software-testing milestones are important for software developers who want to limit their liability and prevent lawsuits. In this article, we'll answer the following...
View ArticleWhy the Debacle Is Good for IT Pros
As an IT professional, when you tell people what you do for a living, you probably get two responses: either their eyes glaze over, or they ask if you can fix their printer. The second you start...
View ArticleWhat Insurance Do Your Independent Contractors Need?
IT project managers often hire subcontractors to work on a project, but who pays for the independent contractor's insurance and what insurance do they need to get? The...
View ArticleTerrifying New Android Malware Is Basically a Brain Parasite for Smartphones
It's easy to overreact about new cyber threats, but as ThreatPost reports, a piece of fledgling Android malware is pretty much a brain virus that might create an army of infected zombie smartphones...
View ArticleSecurity Is Everyone's Job: Lessons from a Weak-Password Hack
Prairie Business Magazine reports on the data breach at the North Dakota University System that exposed almost 300,000 users' data. In addition to the sheer size of the breach, what makes it remarkable...
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Believe it or not, in the middle of all the panic over the first Ebola cases in the U.S., there was actually a question of IT liability. According to Bloomberg News, the Dallas-area hospital's software...
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